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Page templates are a specific type of template file that can be applied to a specific page or groups of pages.

Note: As of WordPress 4.7 page templates support all post types. For more details how to set a page template to specific post types see example below.

Since a page template is a specific type of template file, here are some distinguishing features of page templates:

  • Page templates are used to change the look and feel of a page.
  • A page template can be applied to a single page, a page section, or a class of pages.
  • Page templates generally have a high level of specificity, targeting an individual page or group of pages. For example, a page template named page-about.php is more specific than the template files page.php or index.php as it will only affect a page with the slug of “about.”
  • If a page template has a template name, WordPress users editing the page have control over what template will be used to render the page.

Uses for Page Templates Uses for Page Templates

Page templates display your site’s dynamic content on a page, e.g., posts, news updates, calendar events, media files, etc. You may decide that you want your homepage to look a specific way, that is quite different to other parts of your site. Or, you may want to display a featured image that links to a post on one part of the page, have a list of latest posts elsewhere, and use a custom navigation. You can use page templates to achieve these things.

This section shows you how to build page templates that can be selected by your users through their admin screens.

For example, you can build page templates for:

  • full-width, one-column
  • two-column with a sidebar on the right
  • two-column with a sidebar on the left
  • three-column

Page Templates within the Template Hierarchy Page Templates within the Template Hierarchy

When a person browses to your website, WordPress selects which template to use for rendering that page. As we learned earlier in the Template Hierarchy, WordPress looks for template files in the following order:

  1. Page Template — If the page has a custom template assigned, WordPress looks for that file and, if found, uses it.
  2. page-{slug}.php — If no custom template has been assigned, WordPress looks for and uses a specialized template that contains the page’s slug.
  3. page-{id}.php — If a specialized template that includes the page’s slug is not found, WordPress looks for and uses a specialized template named with the page’s ID.
  4. page.php — If a specialized template that includes the page’s ID is not found, WordPress looks for and uses the theme’s default page template.
  5. singular.php — If page.php is not found, WordPress looks for and uses the theme’s template used for a single post, irregardless of post type.
  6. index.php — If no specific page templates are assigned or found, WordPress defaults back to using the theme’s index file to render pages.

Alert: There is also a WordPress-defined template named paged.php. It is not used for the page post-type but rather for displaying multiple pages of archives.

Page Templates Purpose & User Control Page Templates Purpose & User Control

If you plan on making a custom page template for your theme, you should decide a couple of things before proceeding: Xscope 4 4 15.

  • Whether the page template will be for one specific page or for any page; and
  • What type of user control you want available for the template.

Izotope nectar 2 production suite 2 04 download free. Every page template that has a template name can be selected by a user when they create or edit a page. The list of available templates can be found at Pages > Add New > Attributes > Template. Therefore, a WordPress user can choose any page template with a template name, which might not be your intention.

For example, if you want to have a specific template for your “About” page, it might not be appropriate to name that page template “About Template” as it would be globally available to all pages (i.e. the user could apply it to any page). Instead, create a single use template and WordPress will render the page with the appropriate template, whenever a user visits the “About” page.

Conversely, many themes include the ability to choose how many columns a page will have. Each of these options is a page template that is available globally. To give your WordPress users this global option, you will need to create page templates for each option and give each a template name.

Navicat 15 keygen. Dictating whether a template is for global use vs. singular use is achieved by the way the file is named and whether or not is has a specific comment.

Note: Sometimes it is appropriate to have a template globally available even if it appears to be a single use case. When you’re creating themes for release, it can be hard to predict what a user will name their pages. Portfolio pages are a great example as not every WordPress user will name their portfolio the same thing or have the same page ID and yet they may want to use that template.

File Organization of Page Templates File Organization of Page Templates

As discussed in Organizing Theme Files, WordPress recognizes the subfolder page-templates. Therefore, it’s a good idea to store your global page templates in this folder to help keep them organized. Quickpar mac download.

Alert: A specialized page template file (those created for only one time use) cannot be in a sub-folder, nor, if using a Child Theme, in the Parent Theme’s folder.

Creating Custom Page Templates for Global Use Creating Custom Page Templates for Global Use

Sometimes you’ll want a template that can be used globally by any page, or by multiple pages. Some developers will group their templates with a filename prefix, such as page_two-columns.php

Alert:Important! Do not use page- as a prefix, as WordPress will interpret the file as a specialized template, meant to apply to only one page on your site.

For information on theme file-naming conventions and filenames you cannot use, see reserved theme filenames.

Tip: A quick, safe method for creating a new page template is to make a copy of page.php and give the new file a distinct filename. That way, you start off with the HTML structure of your other pages and you can edit the new file as needed.

To create a global template, write an opening PHP comment at the top of the file that states the template’s name.

It’s a good idea to choose a name that describes what the template does as the name is visible to WordPress users when they are editing the page. For example, you could name your template Homepage, Blog, or Portfolio.

Templates For Pages 5 2

This example from the TwentyFourteen theme creates a page template called Full Width Page:

Once you upload the file to your theme’s folder (e.g., page-templates), go to the Page > Edit screen in your admin dashboard.

On the right hand side under attributes you'll see template. This is where users are able to access your global page templates.

Tip: The select list has a maximum width of 250px, so longer names may be cut off.

Creating a Custom Page Template for One Specific Page Creating a Custom Page Template for One Specific Page

Airmail 3 6 56 – powerful minimal email client asks. As mentioned in the Template Hierarchy page, you can create a template for a specific page. To create a template for one specific page, copy your existing page.php file and rename it with your page’s slug or ID:

  1. page-{slug}.php
  2. page-{ID}.php

For example: Your About page has a slug of ‘about’ and an ID of 6. If your active theme’s folder has a file named page-about.php or page-6.php, then WordPress will automatically find and use that file to render the About page.

To be used, specialized page templates must be in your theme’s folder (i.e. /wp-content/themes/my-theme-name/ ).

Creating page templates for specific post types Creating page templates for specific post types

By default, a custom page template will be available to the “page” post type.

To create a page template to specific post types, add a line under the template name with the post types you would like the template to support.


Alert: This ability to add page templates to post types other than “page” post type is supported only from WordPress 4.7

When at least one template exists for a post type, the ‘Post Attributes’ meta box will be displayed in the back end, without the need to add post type support for ‘page-attributes’ or anything else. The ‘Post Attributes’ label can be customzied per post type using the ‘attributes’ label when registering a post type.

Backward Compatibility:

Let’s say you want to publicly release a theme with support for post type templates. WordPress versions before 4.7 will ignore the Template Post Type header and show the template in the list of page templates, even though it only works for regular posts. To prevent that, you can hook into the theme_page_templates filter to exclude it from the list. Here’s an example:

That way you can support custom post type templates in WordPress 4.7 and beyond while maintaining full backward compatibility.

Note that theme_page_templates is actually a dynamic theme_{$post_type}_templates filter. The dynamic portion of the hook name, $post_type, refers to the post type supported by the templates. E.g. you can hook into theme_product_templates to filter the list of templates for the product post type.

Using Conditional Tags in Page Templates Using Conditional Tags in Page Templates

You can make smaller, page-specific changes with Conditional Tags in your theme’s page.php file. For instance, the below example code loads the file header-home.php for your front page, but loads another file (header-about.php) for your About page, and then applies the default header.php for all other pages.

You can learn more about Conditional Tags here.

Identifying a Page Template Identifying a Page Template

If your template uses the body_class() function, WordPress will print classes in the body tag for the post type class name (page), the page’s ID (page-id-{ID}), and the page template used. For the default page.php, the class name generated is page-template-default:

Note: A specialized template (page-{slug}.php or page-{ID}.php) also gets the page-template-default class rather than its own body class.

When using a custom page template, the class page-template will print, along with a class naming the specific template. For example, if your custom page template file is named as follows:

Then then rendered HTML generated will be as follows:

Notice the page-template-my-custom-page-php class that is applied to the body tag.

Page Template Functions Page Template Functions

These built-in WordPress functions and methods can help you work with page templates:

  • get_page_template() returns the path of the page template used to render the page.
  • wp_get_theme()->get_page_templates() returns all custom page templates available to the currently active theme (get_page_templates() is a method of the WP_Theme class).
  • is_page_template() returns true or false depending on whether a custom page template was used to render the page.
  • get_page_template_slug() returns the value of custom field _wp_page_template (null when the value is empty or “default”).If a page has been assigned a custom template, the filename of that template is stored as the value of a custom field named '_wp_page_template' (in the wp_postmeta database table). (Custom fields starting with an underscore do not display in the edit screen’s custom fields module.)

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  • 6.3

Templates are used at various points in AEM:

  • When creating a page you need to select a template; this will be used as the base for the new page. The template defines the structure of the resultant page, any initial content and the components that can be used (design properties).
  • When creating a Content Fragment you also need to select a template. This template defines the structure, initial elements and variations.

AEM now offers two basic types of templates for creating pages:


When using a template to create a new page there is no visible difference (to the page author) and no indication of the type of template being used.

Editable Templates:

  • Can be created and edited by your authors.
  • Have been introduced to allow you to define the following for any pages created with the template:
    • the structure
    • the initial content
    • content policies
  • After the new page is created a dynamic connection is maintained between the page and the template; this means that changes to the template structure will be reflected on any pages created with that template (changes to the initial content will not be reflected).
  • Uses content policies (edited from the template editor) to persist the design properties (does not use Design mode within the page editor).
  • Are stored under /conf
  • See Editable Templates for further information.

Static Templates:

  • Must be defined and configured by your developers.
  • These templates have been available for several versions of AEM.
  • A static template is a hierarchy of nodes that has the same structure as the page to be created, but without any actual content.
  • Are copied to create the new page, no dynamic connection exists after this.
  • Uses Design Mode to persist design properties.
  • Are stored under /apps
  • See Static Templates for further information.


Free 1 2 Page Templates

AEM offers multiple properties to control the templates allowed under Sites. However, combining them can lead to very complex rules that are difficult to track and manage.

Therefore, Adobe recommends that you start simple, by defining:

  • only the cq:allowedTemplates property
  • only on the site root

For an example, see We.Retail: /content/we-retail/jcr:content

The properties allowedPaths, allowedParents, and allowedChildren can also be placed on the templates to define more sophisticated rules. However, when possible, it is much simpler to define further cq:allowedTemplates properties on sub-sections of the site if there is a need to further restrict the allowed templates.

An additional advantage is that the cq:allowedTemplates properties can be updated by an author in the Advanced tab of the Page Properties. The other template properties cannot be updated using the (standard) UI, so would need a developer to maintain the rules and a code deployment for every change.

When creating a new page in the site admin interface, the list of available templates depends on the location of the new page and the restrictions on placement specified in each template.

The following properties determine whether a template T is allowed to be used for a new page to be placed as a child of page P. Each of these properties is a multi-value string holding zero or more Regular Expressions that are used for matching with paths:

  • The cq:allowedTemplates property of the jcr:content subnode of P or an ancestor of P.
  • The allowedPaths property of T.
  • The allowedParents property of T.
  • The allowedChildren property of the template of P.

Templates For Pages 5 2 Free

The evaluation works as follows:

  • The first non-empty cq:allowedTemplates property found while ascending the page hierarchy starting with P is matched against the path of T. If none of the values match, T is rejected.
  • If T has a non-empty allowedPaths property, but none of the values match the path of P, T is rejected.
  • If both of the above properties are either empty or non-existent, T is rejected unless it belongs to the same application as P. T belongs to the same application as P if and only if the name of the second level of the path of T is the same as the name of the second level of the path of P. For example, the template /apps/geometrixx/templates/foo belongs to the same application as the page /content/geometrixx.
  • If T has an non-empty allowedParents property, but none of the values match the path of P, T is rejected.
  • If the template of P has a non-empty allowedChildren property, but none of the values match the path of T, T is rejected.
  • In all other cases, T is allowed.

The following diagram depicts the template evaluation process:

To limit what templates can be used to create child pages under a given page, use the cq:allowedTemplates property of jcr:content node of the page to specify the list of templates to be allowed as child pages. Each value in the list must be an absolute path to a template for an allowed child page, for example /apps/geometrixx/templates/contentpage.

Templates For Pages Free

You can use the cq:allowedTemplates property on the template'sjcr:content node to have this configuration applied to all newly created pages that use this template.

If you want to add more constraints, for example regarding the template hierarchy, you can use the allowedParents/allowedChildren properties on the template. You can then explicitly specify that pages created from a template T have to be parents/children of pages created from a template T.

See Content Fragment Templates for full information.

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